Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Family :)

Oh, hello there. Forgot about this little bloggy did you? So did I. Oops. ;) Howeva, I wanted to share some of the photos we were able to have taken by the incredibly talented and wonderful Tif Hafen of Tif Photography. I love her and she takes the most beautiful pictures in the whole world. 

I love my little family and she captured so many fun moments that looking at them just makes me giddy inside. :) Looking at these pictures also makes me think of a quote I heard a while back in a Sunday School lesson I was a part of before Todd and I were even engaged. The quote is given by President Brigham Young; he explains that our families are not yet ours. The Lord has committed them to us to see how we will treat them. Only if we are faithful will they be given to us forever. What we do on earth determines whether or not we will be worthy to become heavenly parents- an eternal family. Just as one of my favorite primary songs states, "Families can be together forever." Not will, but can. It's after all we can do. 

How wonderful to know that Heavenly Father has given us this opportunity!! He loves us so much. So, so much. Always remember, you can never be too kind, especially to those whom we say we love the very very most, our family. <3


Story of my life... Ellie: "Mom, get out of here. This is daddy and me time."  ;) 


Dat Toddy though <3



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