Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My Story.

Do you guys know this incredible mother/blogger? She is literally one of my idols. Her strength is nothing short of inspiring. I hope to be able to meet her someday. :) Recently she published a blog post that had an impact on me and why I blog. (Actually, this one is really amazing too. Heck, HER WHOLE BLOG IS AMAZING.) But these posts got me thinking: why do I blog? Then, when I do blog, did I do stuff to blog about it? Or do I blog about the stuff I do?

Then that got me thinking even harder. Why do I want to blog??

Do I want to make money? Thats not a bad thing to want, but if it's the soul purpose of blogging... how miserable, right? I deserve to love what I do. So do you. 
Do I want to be a "popular blogger" so people give me free stuff? Again, who doesn't love free stuff? But again again, how miserable. Where's the HEART? Where's the juice? WHY DO I BLOG? 

So I did some digging. I figured out that although the aforementioned reasons for blogging could be benefits for why I do already, they should not, and do not reflect in my heart, WHY I BLOG. 

Guys, I blog for Ellie. I blog for Toddy. I blog for my now family and future family. I blog so that one day my children can look back and hopefully say:

"Dang Mom, you really ARE obsessed with Disney! It comes up in like every post!" 
"You are SUCH A NERD, mom!"
"MOM! Why would you post this picture of my naked bum TO THE WORLD!?!" (To which I would reply, because it's adorrrrable, duh.)  ;)
"Mom, I love how you talk about dad in your blog posts. And about how much you love him."
"Wow, we did some fun things growing up, didn't we?"
"Thank you, Mom, for sharing your testimony and love for the Savior and the gospel on your blog. I love being able to read these parts of your heart."

In short, I blog so I can tell my story. My story of the happiness I feel a wife and mother. 

Like today. Today, my story is this:

It was one of those days when you're doing the dishes while your daughter is playing in the living room behind you and you look over to check on her and realize she has some how taken her pants off. She's one guys. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?! Man, I love being her mother. :)

*low quality photo courtesy of my extremely broken iPhone.  Is it too early to ask for donations? ;)
(Literally and 100% joking, incase the ;) wasn't enough...)

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